The World of Positivists

The World of Positivists

Latest Episodes

The Man Who Recreated His Life and Defied the Odds
August 05, 2021

It's easy to get dissuaded in life, especially when everything around you seems to be falling apart. Going through a struggle in any form is inevitable. While it may test every ounce of patience you h

Amputating your Fear with John Register
May 12, 2021

John Register is an overcomer who continues to make a global impact. He is a Gulf War Army Veteran, a 4-time track and field all American, and a two-time Olympic trials qualifier. However, one misstep

Empowering the World Through Data and Storytelling with Alexander McCaig
March 30, 2021

Alexander McCaig is the Co-Founder and CEO of TARTLE, the world’s first personal data marketplace with a focus on the collective power of data through sharing backed by financial incentive. As CEO of

The Gothic Universe with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Marketing and Relationships Manager, Tom Blunt
February 11, 2021

For six years Tom Blunt (genderqueer, he/they) has been Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s resident Marketing and Relationships Manager. In this role, they have built partnerships and collaborations with art