Bad Marketing Sucks

Bad Marketing Sucks

Latest Episodes

Elevate Your Marketing: Building Strong Relationships for Higher Margins
February 16, 2024

Elevate Your Marketing by Building Strong Relationships for Higher Margins. Explore how nurturing relationships leads to sustainable growth and success.

Cut the Fluff – Build Stronger Customer Relationships
February 09, 2024

Paul & Chad talk how important it is to "cut the fluff" is to Build Stronger Customer Relationships --> on the thist episode of BMS Podcast.

Enough with the Pitch Slap
December 07, 2023

Stop making your connections feel like a number - learn how to avoid the pitch slap and make great, meaningful connections with prospects. New Episode!

Street Art in Marketing
November 23, 2023

Learn from David Speed's journey on pioneering street art in the world of marketing. Find out how to make a statement and stand out using neon pink!

Two BIG Mistakes Businesses Get Wrong in Marketing
November 16, 2023

Find out the two big mistakes business get wrong in marketing Jeremy Mace has discovered from a wide range of disciplines and how you can avoid them!

4 Times Your Brand Needs Help
November 09, 2023

Don't skimp on branding! In this episode, Chad & Paul discuss 4 times your brand needs help. Your brand might just need some attention for it to work for you.

Lurking Brand Killers
November 02, 2023

There are some lurking brand killers out there all business owners need to be aware of. Overlooking simple actions to take in your branding and marketing can hurt you and your business in a major w

5 Ways to Market to the Hispanic Community more effectively.
October 26, 2023

Struggling with marketing to the Hispanic community? Learn five tips from Sergio Terreros on this episode of Bad Marketing Sucks on how you can make your strategies more effective.

Brand Branding and Marketing … not the same thing.
October 19, 2023

Don't get them mixed up! Learn what sets branding, brand and marketing apart by understanding their distinct roles in your overall marketing strategy. Get it right to avoid bad results from bad market

Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget
October 12, 2023

David Porter knows all too well about businesses looking for marketing help who have champagne taste on a beer budget. It doesn't really go well.