The Mentored Podcast with Carson Pue and Martin Sanders

The Mentored Podcast with Carson Pue and Martin Sanders

Ep. 23 The Art of Giving Transformative Feedback

September 12, 2024

Leaders are often shaped in the crucible of feedback, with each reflection holding up a mirror to their actions and decisions. This process isn’t merely informative—it’s transformative. Leaders gain clear insights into their strengths and weaknesses by hearing others articulate how they come across. Imagine it as a funhouse mirror that is both candid and kind, revealing nuances that might otherwise be overlooked. Such mirroring creates wise leaders who understand how they lead and why their approach resonates or falters.

Unlock the secrets of transformative feedback in our latest podcast, The Art of Giving Transformative Feedback. Discover time-tested techniques that mentors use to guide their mentees toward success. Learn how to deliver constructive criticism with empathy and insight. This essential wisdom could elevate your mentoring skills and profoundly impact a team, family or organization.

This podcast delves deep into the art of impactful communication between mentors and mentees. Understand the principles behind giving feedback that not only corrects but inspires growth and confidence. Gain valuable insights from experienced mentors who have mastered this critical skill. Carson and Martin break down actionable strategies for providing balanced, meaningful critiques that empower rather than discourage. Hear from our seasoned mentors on how their thoughtful feedback has shaped successful careers and personal growth stories. Elevate your leadership —tune in now for invaluable wisdom and guidance! There is some gold here you can’t afford to miss—click play now!