Galaxy in Flames: A Horus Heresy Fan Podcast

If the president can pardon a turkey, could the Emperor have pardoned Horus?
We're back and right under the wire for our Turkey Day episode which begins with Steve and Simon bickering about their respective nations Thanksgivings. We talk about recent reveals like the Malcador variants, Arvus Lighter, and the alternate Deredeo loadout. Simon played a bunch of games this month including playtesting his Heresy skirmish rules set for an upcoming club event and shares his thoughts on having played a full game with his Mechanicum. No Q&A this month but we do ramble at length, off topic, about Trench Crusade!
Logo Design by Nikol King
Intro and Outro Music by Skull Cultist
Background music by Orthokeras with vox from Alia Synesthesia and Nicole Turner
Audio Production designed on the Forge world of the Vorpal Goat.