15 Minutes of . . .
Owen Flanagan UML Digital Media Major
It’s been a while but I still believe that the world is a great place with good people doing awesome things. And I’ve had a lot of really cool experiences in the last few years. Teaching has become, if not the most interesting, the most rewarding thing that I’ve done in quite a while so far has a 65 year old guy faced with the prospect of interacting and working with today’s Gen Z, they range from the ages of 18 to 24 years old. I was prepared for a variety of stereotypes that the media in general, and even a lot of my family and friends told me to get ready for, and those were things like frail, emotional egos and people who are glued to their cell phones and can’t pay attention, can’t make friends that they don’t read, and in general demand instant gratification, all that stuff, but in my experience, I found it to be quite the opposite. And my guest today is a great example of this, as a teenager, somebody sticks a box of electronics in front of him. He figures out how to use it, how to interface it with a computer and make music with it, and then he learns all the software programs necessary to produce music, to produce music well and publish that music in a variety of places. Then comes to college as a digital media major, lands up my class, an Intro to Audio Production course and knows just as much as me, if not more. Owen, like many of his classmates, are some of the most industrious, intelligent, and kind people I have met, and this bodes well for all of us in our future!