College Wesleyan Church Sermons
Latest Episodes
Rest AND Work
Kasey Kalk, Matthew 11:25-30. Rest is a pretty hot topic these days. It's talked about a lot. But for many, rest feels like an allusive concept. How can I possibly meet all the expectations of life and work and still find time for rest? Misconcepti
Revelation and (Right) Response
Ryley Olson, John 9:24-25. Worship is revelation and response. But often times a part of this equation can break down. The breakdown is not in God's revelation; it's in our response. In the ninth chapter of John we see four groups of people res
Power of Conversation
Roger Younce, John 4:1-32. Jesus engaged in a conversation with an outcast. No one expected him to talk with her and yet the conversation led to many finding Christ. What can we learn from this conversation? What did Jesus see in the woman at the well
Life-Giving Water
Vickie Conrad, Ezekiel 47. This message explores the narrative of how water is a recurring theme from Genesis to Revelation, symbolizing God's provision and life-giving power. In Genesis, God provides life-sustaining water through rivers and rain,
Can Anything Good Come Out of Marion
Sermon SummaryTisha Connell, John 1:45-51 & Matthew 4:1-11. Many times we believe that how we are perceived impacts if and how we can do good ministry. What happens when we are inaccurately perceived? What is our response? Do we need to correct peopl
People Who See
Sermon SummaryHallie Harrington, Genesis 16:1-16. All throughout Genesis, Abram and Sarai struggle to live as the people of God. In their desperation to see Gods promises fulfilled, they decide to take matters into their own hands. Yet, Gods grace is
Holy Obedience
Emily Vermilya, John 2:1-11. God encounters his people in the magnificent and the mundane. And while his Kingdom work is never limited by humanity, we see time and again, that his desire is to involve us in these efforts to restore and redeem. So often,
Gentle and Lowly
Brian Fry, Ephesians 4:1-3; Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus was gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11: 28-30). These are part of Jesuss character and two aspects of the Jesus Way. The gentleness and lowliness of Jesus are how wethe body of Christmaintain the
The Second Call
Sermon SummaryZach Szmara, Mark 8:22-26 (supplemental text, Acts 8:26-31) . In Mark 8:22-26, the central theme is Jesus healing a blind man in two stages. Initially, the man gains partial sight, seeing people as blurry figures. After a second touch from
Praying for You
Sermon Summary Steve DeNeff, Ephesians 3:14-21. There are two things that Paul wanted for the church in Ephesus. I want those same two things for us at CollegeWes: Power and Love.