Reflections of a Deeper Song
Latest Episodes
Are You Afraid of Change?
Why do you want to keep something the way it is? Because you are afraid of change? Change might make you ineffective or irrelevant. Im not sure we are aware of that, but I think fear is one core iss
How to Deepen Your Cosmic Consciousness
We are Cosmic Consciousness. It is not out there. It is who we are. And because we are in human form we are not as aware of it as we could be. I set out to change that.
The Two Vital Sides of Your Spiritual Practice
There are two aspects to our spiritual practice, one is to deepen your own embodiment of our connection with sprit and the other is to deepen our connection with source. Lets figure out how to do t
Journey to Gai’s Misty Circle
This healing journey is to a Circle of Light in an old grown forest in which we reach out to Gaia for self-healing.
The Field of Opportunity
It was like standing in a garden so filled with organic goodness that I was hare press to choose. This was the Filed of Opportunity and I had come there seeking my future. Where was I belong calle
Listen forYour future
Change gradually makes its known as it organically unfolds. One must be patient and observant and let change show itself in its own rhythm.We do that by paying attention to our Inner voice. How do
Journey to Our Ancesters to Expand Our Consciousness
There's a lineage of energy that flows back to the beginning of time. It is an ancestral line that brings with it the lessons and the learning and the understanding of generations. Because we are in t
Journey to the Sacred Feminine
We contain with us is the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. It is not about our bodies. It is about the energy of the masculine and the energy of the feminine and how we express ourselves in o
Journey to the Sacred Masculine
We contain with us is the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine. It is not about how our human bodies have manifested. It is about how the energy of the Sacred Masculine and the energy of theSacred
We Are Cosmic Consciousness
When we begin to look at our life our human expression from the standpoint of being cosmic consciousness, everything changes.