Spiritual Spaces

Spiritual Spaces

Latest Episodes

Words are Necessarily Dualistic; Experience is Always Non-Dual.
April 08, 2022

Do we really believe that we are a Holy people?

All glory is Reflected Glory’
April 07, 2022

We examine the nature of our relationship with God and how we reflect his Glory in the world

A Prior State of Hostility will Distort Everything
April 06, 2022

We examine our mindsets. Are we rigid, closed off and inflexible in the way we think. This is a mindset that often ends in violence. Are we open, curious and in defended; honouring difference amongst us? This is the way of peace.

‘What is Life and What is Death.’
April 05, 2022

Today we reflect on the story of Lazarus and what in means In terms of God’s gift of eternal life.

The Demonization of the Threatening’Other’.
April 01, 2022

We reflect on our separation from those who we see as different or perhaps better than ourselves.

The Soul Needs Images and Imaging to “Know” things
March 30, 2022

What is the real sin that stops our spiritual growth?

“Could the ‘New’ Thing Be Inclusion?”
March 29, 2022

A stirring meditation on the need for unity in the world. We are encouraged to leave behind our salves and our small stories and stretch towards a universal and unified body of Christ.

Do we see correctly.
March 27, 2022

Are we blind or can we see. Listen in and see what category you fall into.

The Two Loved are Not Separate
March 25, 2022

We are challenged today to consider how we love. We are reminded of the greatest commandments. These are the first two, that we love God, one another, and ourselves as first and foremost in following Jesus.

Driving Out Devils with Better-Disguised Devils
March 24, 2022

Being whole in God is the way we are able to show compassion towards those who hurt us.