Remakers Mark
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Remakers Mark 61, Part 2 {The Cell}: Worst Dunk Tanks Ever
The Cell was a film that divided the RM crew, sowing seeds of discontent and argument about the merits of its production design, writing, direction, and use of J-Lo. Some said the amount of J-Lo was t
Remakers Mark 61, Part 1 {The Cell}: Overly Much
Welcome to our nightmare dreamscape, the prison of our mind, our remake of 2000’s The Cell. We take many (well, five) different paths to recreating this film and its direction. See if we can be redeem
Remakers Mark What’s Up Docs 5: Kings of Pastry
This is like Great British Baking Show…if the stakes were death… – Jer We conclude our What’s Up Docs? series with a light-hearted romp through the world’s most stressful and high-stakes pastry contes
Remakers Mark 60 Part 2 {Stir Crazy}: It’s No Dumb and Dumber
You take the good (Pryor, Wilder, Poitier), you take the bad (the plot, the writing, the directing), you take ’em both and there you have…Stir Crazy. This movie underwhelmed us. And not in the Supergi
Remakers Mark Special Episode 26: In Memoriam 2020
Another year, another legion of talented performers and creators that have shrugged off this mortal coil and moved into the Great Beyond, and another chance for Andy to have his Grim Reaper robe dry-c
Remakers Mark 60 Part 1 {Stir Crazy}: Bull Riding is Weird
Sometimes a recipe looks better on paper than in practice. We take on 1980’s Stir Crazy, starring Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor, and directed by Sidney Poitier, and see how we can make this tale about
Remakers Mark 1, Part 1 {Ghostbusters}
Ghostbusters: Rent: Netflix Disc Buy: iTunes • DVD • BluRay In our very first episode, we are discussing the 1984 supernatural comedy classic, Ghostbusters. Here, in Part 1 of our discussion, we toss