Bright Church Podcasts
Latest Episodes
You Asked For It : Why Are There So Many Christian Denominations? | Ben Fagerland
Why are there so many denominations? Are some real and others fake? Why are they all so different? In this podcast, Ps Ben answers all these questions in our You Asked For It series.
You Asked For It : What Is Spiritual Warfare? | Ben Fagerland
What is spiritual oppression or spiritual warfare? How did it start? What do we do if we are oppressed? In this podcast, Ps Ben unpacks the answers to all these questions and more.
You Asked For It : How To Make Decisions | Ben Fagerland
Decisions are hard even when we have all the facts. Sometimes its because we dont feel ok about them. As Christians, should facts and feelings effect the outcome of our faith or decisions? In this podcast Ps Ben looks at how to make decisions.
You Asked For It : Is It OK to Judge People? | Ben Fagerland
Is it ok to judge people? Didnt Jesus say not to judge people, yet the Apostle Paul said to judge people. Is that a contradiction in the bible? In this podcast, Ps Ben looks at what the bible actually says about judging people.
September Shake Up : Get Out of the Grave | Ben Fagerland
What happens when we die? No one wants to think about going into a coffin one day. But what's weird is spending your life in one. In this podcast, Ps Ben speaks about getting out of the grave.
September Shake Up : God's Not Done With us Yet | Joel Pinga
Ourcall to salvation leads to a call to service.We have tremendous influence over our social and family circles. Ps Joel points out that even if you feel incompetent, God's strength will cover your weaknesses. God saves, then sends.
September Shake Up : 3 Keys for Breakthrough | Matt Wynne
Is there a wall in your life blocking you from where you want to be or who you want to be? God has a promised land for everyone, but it wont come on a silver platter. You must claim it. In this podcast, Ps Matt talks about three keys for breakthrough.
Dads, You Matter | Ben Fagerland
Statistically speaking, a father's impact on their children is big. Very big. This means fathers have incredible opportunity to influence the next generation. In this podcast, Ps Ben looks at the impact of fathers and what the Bible says about it.