Latest Episodes

Set Apart
April 16, 2023

Peter urges us as exiles to be set apart from the world.

Easter, So What?
April 09, 2023

Pastor Nathan works through Romans 6:1-4 as Paul explains the purpose of Baptism and the purpose of the resurrection.

March 26, 2023

We have been searching for home since the fall. Peter tells us as exiles that God is building us into Spiritual Houses.

Changed by the Word
March 19, 2023

The Word of God last forever and it is what we need and changes us

He is Coming
March 12, 2023

Jesus is coming again and His return is where our hope is to be placed.

Rejoice, even though
March 05, 2023

Peter calls us to rejoice in Christ, even though we may face various trials and suffering.

Encouragement and Comfort
February 26, 2023

Starting 1 Peter he begins by comforting and encouraging believers.

Grey Matters
February 19, 2023

Jesus will return, So how do we face the future? How do we make plans?

Gray Matters - heart condition
February 12, 2023

We all have a basic heart condition and need we try to fill. To be aware of this will help us as we come to attempt to walk in the Spirit.

Grey Matters - to the Glory
February 05, 2023

Life isn't always black and white. And in those moments of grey how do we, as Christians, make decisions that Glorify God?