75 Hard Experience
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Challenge Can Teach You Everything
Challenge can teach you everything you would ever want to know about yourself and becoming better.
Is Fear a Legitimate Problem?
Is fear a legitimate problem that keeps you from getting things done so that you can become the best you?
Challenge Yourself
How many times a year do you challenge yourself? And do you enjoy it? Should you challenge yourself physically? Will it help?
Are you overwhelmed? Me too! Can you believe that most people feel just like you? Here are 3 mistakes I make you learn from.
New Years’ Resolutions are Crap
New Year's resolutions are crap. Every year you make the same ones. It's not about making a resolution, it's about doing small things every day.
Best Schedule for a Day
What is the best schedule for a day? How can you build that best schedule?
Winning Life: Be 1% Better
Winning in life means being 1% better every day and being 1% better than the competition.
Goal Setting Benefits
Goal setting benefits are supposed to include making money, being in great shape, climbing the ladder of success, owning amazing cars, and just being the person everyone wants to be.
Living with Intent
Living a life of intent means doing everything with intent. When was the last time you did anything in your life with an intent? And…
Set Personal Boundaries
How to set personal boundaries and monitor them to ensure you are true to yourself. It's easy and extreme at the same time.