Get Your Fix by Vixxo
Latest Episodes
Vixxo designs facility maintenance solutions to revolutionize and optimize clients’ multisite portfolios by improving service delivery, reducing costs and providing strategic insights – all aimed at lowering total cost of ownership.
Streamlining Installs with Dedicated Partners and Thorough Documentation
Installation experts offer insights on common challenges and how to overcome them.
Getting the Most Out of Handyman Services in Facilities Management
Vixxo’s Ryan Reese breaks down how to maximize handyman services, which are a key part of facilities management.
Developing Efficient Cost Management and Containment Strategies with Brett Jannsen and Brian Monticello
Supply chain experts Brett Jannsen and Brian Monticello break down Vixxo’s project pricing process, which makes costs fair for both service providers and clients.
Assembling a Strong Service Provider Network
Vixxo’s Scott Smith, VP of Service Provider Management, and Chad Schroeder, Director of Service Provider Relationship Management, join Daniel Litwin to explain Vixxo’s process of finding and maintaining service providers for facilities.
Brewing up Beverage Equipment Maintenance Solutions (Part 2 of 2)
Kelly Fitzroy and Luc Poirier continue their discussion on beverage equipment maintenance as part of a holistic facilities maintenance program for the food and beverage industry. This episode is the second of a two-part conversation.
Brewing up Beverage Equipment Maintenance Solutions (Part 1 of 2)
Kelly Fitzroy and Luc Poirier discuss beverage equipment maintenance as part of a holistic facilities maintenance program for the food and beverage industry. This episode is the first of a two-part discussion.
RFP Tips for Facilities Maintenance
Rick Upton provides insights and tips for running a successful facility maintenance RFP.
A Look at The Grocery Store Industry During the Pandemic with Arin Alexander and Michael Sutherland
Arin Alexander and Michael Sutherland discuss the effects and changes in the grocery store industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This conversation is the first in a 3-part series.