Getting Started with Shashank Kumar
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All About Branding With Julia Masalska
Julia Masalska is an award-winning brand designer and an Educator at Adobe. She teaches graphic designing, branding, packaging and so many other amazing things. In this particular Julia and I discussed Branding, Personal Branding, How to become a br
Jacob Cass on Branding, Work Ethics, Travelling and being a Digital Nomad
Jacob Cass is an award-winning designer, creator of the industry-leading design blog 'Just Creative' featured on many big platforms like Forbes, Entrepreneur, spoken at TEDx worked with many big brands from all around the world. In this particular
Ryan Hayward on Designing, business, building audience and much more.
Ryan Hayward is the Founder & CEO at Pitchproof, he is also an organizer of a virtual conference for designers known as Frontrow. He shares his experience and knowledge on his Instagram page @pitchproof with a great following of nearly 90,000 designers.In