Dark Sky Conversations
Latest Episodes
Marlin - Author & Astrotourist
S03E07 Marlin – Author and Astrotourist Michael Marlin (aka Marlin) is a Dark Sky ambassador for the International Astronomical Union and International Dark-Sky Association. He is a public speaker
A Conversation with Jackson Stigwood - Lighting Designer
Dark Sky Conversations S03E06 Jackson Stigwood – Lighting Designer Jackson Stigwood BDes, MArch, Tech IES, Assoc. IALD Jackson is the founding director of A Billion Suns. He moved into lightin
Professor Clive Ruggles talks Archaeoastronomy
Dark Sky Conversations S03E05 Professor Clive Ruggles Join Professor Clive Ruggles as a special guest from this recent Dark Sky Aus webinar as he discusses latest research in a subject that’s close
Dr. John Barentine - Recovering Astronomer
Dark Sky Conversations with Marnie Ogg S02E04 Dr. John Barentine I think John’s twitter bio says it all: Astronomer. Historian. Arizona native. Proud LGBT American. Retiring to asteroid 14505. Quest
Satellite Hunting | Your Night Sky Guide | March 2021
Dark Sky Conversations with Marnie Ogg S02E03 Satellite Hunting | March 2021 How to use this podcast: 1.Plug your headphones in 2.Make sure it is a clear night…if so…head outside to a quiet spot with
Your Night Sky Guide | February 2021
Dark Sky Conversations with Marnie Ogg S02E02 Your Night Sky Guide | February 2021 How to use this podcast: 1. Plug your headphones in 2. Make sure it is a clear night…if so…head outside to
Your Night Sky Guide | January 2021
Dark Sky Conversations with Marnie Ogg S02E01 Your Night Sky Guide | January 2021 How to use this podcast: 1. Plug your headphones in 2. Make sure it’s a clear night…if so…head outside to
Dark Sky Conversats with Marnie Ogg -Promo 1
Coming soon - Marnie Ogg talks with some of the brightest minds in the field about light pollution and ways to protect our night skies. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/pr