Chronicles of the Essence Guard
Latest Episodes
S3E3 - Children of the Essence - Chapter Three: The Floating Stone Trick
Celeste and Andres make their way to the temple that Andres discovered, only to find they are not alone, and the Essence is not that only power at work.
S3E2 - Children of the Essence - Chapter Two: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Our heroine finds herself a long way from home.
S3E1 - Children of the Essence - Chapter One: Not Unseen
A teenage girl rebelling against her family finds herself embroiled in a chase across the globe and through time to investigate a mysterious cult with ties to the Essence.
S1E1 - Essence House - Chapter One: Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
As Tim arrives to his first day on the job, on his birthday and New Years Day, he discovers that almost nothing is as it seems.