The National University Podcast

The National University Podcast

Digital Media Professions: Unlocking the Power of Words

March 26, 2024

Ever wonder what it's like to wield the power of words in a world awash with information? Join me, Kimberly King, as we navigate the vast seas of communication careers with the seasoned expertise of Dr. Gillian Silver and Dr. Steven Van Hook. These communication virtuosos guide us through the academic rigors and historical tapestries that give shape to the modern communicator's role, all while sharing the thrill of crafting narratives that resonate with society.

Strap in as we dissect the dynamic and sometimes murky waters of social media and journalism. Our conversation ventures into the realm of authenticity, the influence of digital titans, and the ethical tightropes walked by professionals in the field. The landscape of media is evolving, and with it, the pathways for storytellers are multiplying. We shine a spotlight on the importance of a robust communications education that arms the intellect with critical thinking skills and the heart with the courage to speak out.

Closing the curtain on this episode, we pay homage to the unsung heroes in the trenches of communication. From the guardians of credibility to the shapers of our shared reality, communication professionals bear a weighty responsibility. Dr. Silver, Dr. Van Hook, and I offer up pearls of wisdom for the next generation of communicators, emphasizing how the fabric of a well-documented e-portfolio can set them apart in this competitive arena. We're not just marking time; we're marking history. Join us for a celebration of the communicator's journey and their indelible imprint on the narrative of our lives.