The National University Podcast

The National University Podcast

Open Educational Resources

January 23, 2024

Unlock the transformative power of Open Educational Resources (OER) and join the frontline of an educational revolution! This episode is a treasure trove for anyone wanting to understand how the right knowledge can break down financial barriers in learning. We bring you the incredible tale of a homeless student's battle with textbook costs, a story that thrusts the need for affordable education into the spotlight. National University's Assistant Director of OER, Taylor Perkins, shares the groundbreaking efforts of her team, affectionately dubbed the Orcs, who have championed the use of OER and saved students close to a cool million dollars.

Journey with us through the legal labyrinth of copyright laws as we dissect the Cambridge University Press versus Patton case, illuminating the challenges faced in academic material distribution. Learn how Creative Commons licenses are revolutionizing the way educators can share, modify, and disseminate course content. Perkins reveals how National University isn't just cutting costs; they're cultivating a culture where knowledge is a communal treasure, encouraging educational equality from the get-go. Their story is not only a beacon for cost-cutting but an inspiring example of how nurturing an open-source educational environment can spark engagement and innovation in the classroom.