The National University Podcast

How to Promote Mental Health in the Community
Dive head-first with us into the deep waters of mental health promotion led by our special guest, Dr. Henry Venter, Program Director of the Social and Psychological Department at National University. We explore the role of social-ecological models in health promotion and peel back layers of increased stress and social isolation affecting mental health worldwide. The conversation turns a keen eye on the surge in mental health crises over the past decade, painting a vivid picture of the challenges that communities face.
Venturing further into the labyrinth of mental health, we tackle the difficulties of mental health education in the U.S., and brainstorm ways to foster inclusivity in these efforts. Dr. Venter underlines the significance of both starting young and reaching out to older people, and the necessity of increasing education for diverse cultural groups. We scrutinize the various ways that communities can band together to bolster each other's mental well-being, especially during times of crisis.
Heading into the digital age, we survey the potential of technology and social media in creating safe spaces and support systems, particularly for our youth. Dr. Venter shares his insights on how telehealth has widened the reach of mental health services for rural communities amidst the pandemic. He also emphasizes the pivotal role of education, peer support groups, and family in managing mental health disorders. This episode is a must-listen for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of mental health promotion and the innovative approaches that have been successful in promoting mental health in the community, such as art therapy.