The National University Podcast

The National University Podcast

Understanding Equality, Equity and Privilege: A Conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Banks

July 05, 2023

We’re thrilled to have Dr. Elizabeth Banks, a highly esteemed professor from National University, joining us for a deeply important and insightful conversation. Passionate about

equity, justice, and dismantling health disparities among marginalized groups, Dr. Banks brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our discussion on equality and equity. Together, we

dig deep into the differences between these two concepts, and how they can shape our understanding of social justice.

Our conversation journeys through history, revisiting the long-standing systems of oppression that have dictated societal norms for centuries. With Dr. Banks as our guide, we retrace the

path of voting rights in the US, exploring the challenges that African Americans, women, and other minority groups have endured in their fight for equality. Highlighting the nefarious practice of redlining, we reveal how this discriminatory act continues to affect banking and

housing practices, further marginalizing minority groups.

Finally, with a candid and thoughtful approach, we tackle the issue of privilege in society. Using real-life scenarios, we dissect the concept of privilege and its impact on individuals across

various situations. Guided by Dr. Banks’ expertise, we navigate how to have balanced and open conversations about privilege, especially when it intersects with different experiences of

oppression. Join us for this enlightening episode and rethink equality and equity for a more

inclusive society.