Beer, Bourbon and Balderdash

Beer, Bourbon and Balderdash

Episode 106 – Palate Pleaser

July 22, 2024

John is in the flesh and doing it live in the basement. We are excited for this episode because one of our producers, Sir John of the St. Clair Lowlands, has graciously donated what we hope is delicious whiskies and beers. Trust me we get very giddy when producers talk to us. John and Wes also discuss propaganda and how to not be affected by it. Cheers!

Thank you to our producers!

Sir John of the St. Clair Lowlands for the whiskies and beer and wonderful note!

Kyrin of Mere Mortals Podcast – 230 sats


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  • TREASURE: It’s easy to financially support us and a few dollars help with hosting services and equipment depreciation. If you found any value in listening to this podcast, give some value back! Donate here: PayPal and Get Alby
  • YOUR TIME: Tell others about us or reach out to us and leave comments! We would love hearing from you!
  • YOUR TALENT: We love our producers and if you have any special talent’s that you think would help this podcast you enjoy be better, please share them with us!Our current needs:

    • Jingles for some segments
    • Any help with website or computer-technical stuff and such