The Sip and Feast Podcast

The Sip and Feast Podcast

Podcast 24 – Taking The Stress Out Of Thanksgiving

November 13, 2023

Hosting any holiday can be stressful! We've hosted hundreds of gatherings over the years and have compiled our tried and true Thanksgiving game plan to help minimize stress and maximize success!

If you prefer video, watch the full episode 24 YouTube video version.

Benjamin Franklin once said "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" and this couldn't be more true when it comes to hosting a holiday.

Having a great Thanksgiving game plan is the key to minimizing stress leading up to and on Thanksgiving day!

Note: This plan applies to food only! We can't do anything to mitigate the stress from combative family members! Haha

Our Thanksgiving Game Plan

On the day this episode airs, Thanksgiving will be 10 days away which is plenty of time to get your plan together!

Consider following this timeline to help make decisions, delegate responsibilities, and tackle pain points.

7-10 days before

Decide on your menu.

Will you use fresh or frozen turkey?

Will you use a turkey breast instead of a whole bird, or perhaps another meat, such as spiral ham?

Select 5-7 side dishes (listen to our Sides That Wow Podcast Episode 23)

Touch base with your guests.

Don't be afraid to assign specific things and set rules. For example, it's perfectly fine to request a specific dessert or appetizer.

If you have limited space in your refrigerator or kitchen, ask your guests to be mindful of that. Ask that they bring food that doesn't require any prep (other than reheating) or refrigeration.

Shop for non-perishables, napkins, coffee, etc.

Make lasagna and freeze (or other dishes that freeze well).

Saturday before

Depending on its size, thaw the turkey, if using frozen.

The USDA recommends thawing turkey in the refrigerator allowing 1 day for every 4-5 pounds. Once thawed, the raw turkey will be safe for another 2 days in the refrigerator.

Sunday - Monday

Go shopping.

Shop for groceries, beer, wine, and allow yourself time. This time of year many ingredients sell out quickly so account for the fact you may need to shop at more than 1 grocery store.


Start the desserts.

If making pumpkin pie, apple pie, or apple crostata, tiramisu, etc. make these today.

Brine the turkey (we recommend a dry brine).


Prepare most of your sides and appetizers.

Sides and apps that are great to make ahead of time include cranberry sauce, roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots, sweet potato casserole, baked artichoke hearts, stuffed mushrooms, cinnamon roasted butternut squash, and sausage stuffing.

Set the table.

Prepare the Thanksgiving Sangria.

Dice the apples and pears and allow all ingredients (minus the club soda) to marry together in the refrigerator overnight.

Thaw the lasagna (if using).

Prep any crudite, or dips, such as cannellini bean dip, etc.

Thanksgiving Thursday!

In the morning.

Prepare the dough for garlic butter dinner rolls and allow to sit.

Cook the turkey.

Prep the potatoes for mashed potatoes.

Empty the dishwasher to prepare for later.

Set up coolers with ice.

As guests arrive.

Add the club soda to the sangria.

Put out appetizers.

Before dinner.

Finish the mashed potatoes.

Make the giblet gravy or easy turkey gravy.

Carve the turkey.

Bake dinner rolls.

Heat up food in oven or over sternos.

After dinner and dessert.

If they offer, let your guests help with cleanup.

Prep coffee, tea, and put out desserts, after-dinner drinks, etc. To make things even easier on you, consider buying (or delegating to a guest) a box of coffee from a local coffee shop. Dunkin Donuts' Box o'Joe has come in handy for us on many occasions!


Sip and Feast Fall and Thanksgiving Recipe Catalog

USDA article on defrosting Turkey

If you enjoyed the Thanksgiving Game Plan: Taking the Stress Out of Thanksgiving episode,