The Sip and Feast Podcast

The Sip and Feast Podcast

Podcast 20 – Steak Pizzaiola: The Affordable Steak Dinner Solution

October 16, 2023

Steak Pizzaiola is a dish I ate frequently as a kid but hadn't fully reveled in its frugality until I grew up and had to feed my own family. While many restaurants try to fancy it up with expensive cuts of beef, the good news is this old-school meal is actually better when more affordable methods are employed.

If you prefer video, watch the full episode 20 YouTube video version.

Steak Pizzaiola, or carne alla pizzaiola, refers to steak (or beef) cooked in the pizza-maker style.

While it's open to various interpretations, I've always known it to include some sort of steak cooked in a tomato sauce that's been heavily flavored with oregano.

While my steak pizzaiola recipe includes chuck steak, peppers, and mushrooms, it can be made with other ingredients as well.

I've always known it as a more economical dish, although many restaurants will serve it with a more expensive cut of beef, such as a ribeye or porterhouse.

While the expensive steaks are tasty in their own right, I prefer to take a more affordable approach since it's easier on the wallet but also honors the history of alla pizzaiola.

In the Steak Pizzaiola podcast episode, we share our personal experiences with steak pizzaiola, touch briefly on its slightly hazy history, and explore the 2 main methods of preparing this beloved dish.


Sip and Feast Steak Pizzaiola Recipe

Sip and Feast Chicken Pizzaiola Recipe

Sip and Feast Stuffed Mushrooms with Pizzaiola Sauce Recipe

Memorie di Angelina's La Pizzaiola

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James (00:00):Welcome back to the Sip and Feast podcast. Today we're talking steak pizzaiola. We're discussing the intricacies of this dish, the history of the dish, what it means to us, what it means to you, Tara, what it means if you grew up in the New York, New Jersey area, you probably know this dish. Your mother, your Nona, your friends, your uncle, somebody probably made it for you. Somebody probably said they make a mean steak pizzaiola. Conversely, if you grew up in an area outside of this little pocket of America, you might not have heard of this dish. How do I know that? Well, we just put up the recipe on the main channel and it's got about… I don't know, it has over a hundred thousand views, which is a good amount to a good sample size. There were probably, Tara, I would say 20, 30, maybe 50 comments that said they never heard of the dish, right?

(00:54):That's my non-scientific way of knowing that it might not be too known outside of this area. That's why I want to share it with you today and let you know how good it is and how delicious it can be. If you're a fan of Everybody Loves Raymond, then you have heard of this dish because I believe, and I never really watched the show, Tara, I believe Ray used to say that his mother made the best steak pizzaiola.

Tara (01:22):I think that's the story behind it.

James (01:23):You don't know either. You don't watch the show either.

Tara (01:25):I watched episodes here and there of it. Your parents are huge fans of it. Maybe we should have asked them what they thought of the steak pizzaiola references in the show, but no, my understanding is that Marie Barone, Doris Roberts' character, made the best steak pizzaiola.

James (01:46):Well, I don't know if my version's going to be as good as Marie's, but we're going to talk about the difference between how it's done in a household and how it's done in a restaurant. We're going to bring a little bit of the history of this ...