Believe in Progress: an AACR Foundation Podcast

Believe in Progress: an AACR Foundation Podcast

005: Sarah Happy - How to Maintain a Positive Attitude

August 09, 2023

On this episode, we are speaking with Sarah Happy, who is 38 years old and lives in Michigan with her husband, Noah and her two dogs Hugo and Nancy. She currently works for HBR, a consulting firm that works exclusively with law firms and corporate law departments. Sarah has a law degree from the Temple University Beasley School of Law, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan. Sarah has over ten years of experience in the legal industry and has worked with law firms, government agencies, and academic institutions to implement initiatives related to data analysis, practice optimization, and digital transformation of legal processes.

By the age of 25, Sarah Happy had survived not one but two types of cancer—lymphoma and cervical cancer. After her lymphoma diagnosis in 2007, the aspiring lawyer began a six-month regimen of chemotherapy, followed by two months of radiation therapy. After her treatment was completed, there was no trace of cancer.


In 2009, a routine Pap test came back abnormal. The subsequent biopsy, performed the day before her move to Philadelphia for law school, found early-stage cervical cancer. She quickly underwent surgery to remove the cancer and finally moved to Philadelphia shortly after to begin school. Six months later, however, the cervical cancer returned. After another operation, Sarah was once again declared free of cancer. Since then, she has been monitored closely and reports that the cancer has not returned.


Cancer, however, remains an ever-present element in Sarah’s life. The side effects of her treatments include chronic pain, lymphedema, and radiation fibrosis. Her experiences with physicians skilled in cancer survivorship issues have convinced her of the importance of research. In 2017, she became an AACR Foundation ambassador, joining the Runners for Research team and speaking on behalf of the AACR at public events. 

This is the Believe in Progress podcast hosted by the AACR Foundation and featuring Sarah Happy.

Join us on this journey of hope and progress. Subscribe to Believe in Progress, the AACR Foundation's podcast, today, and be inspired by the incredible stories of those who have faced cancer with strength and resilience, and the medical professionals who are working to find new treatments and ultimately a cure.

Please do not forget to visit to make a donation or to find helpful information and resources. Together we can make progress in the fight against cancer and bring hope to those who need it most. 

Please don't forget, cancer research saves lives.

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