Powers On Policing

How Policing Works
Characterizing someone based solely on their choice of clothing says more about you than it does them. This is especially true when talking about police officers who dress for work in a distinct, identifying uniform prescribed, designed, and mandated by the authority who employs them. The uniform defines the profession, not the person wearing it.
In today’s episode Bill and Jordan begin with general thoughts and comments about police officers and their responsibilities. Bill addresses situational awareness and police training designed to teach an officer how and when to adapt and adjust to differing circumstances that arise with little or no expectation, or understanding. They discuss the importance of preparedness and readiness and how personal encounters often turn from calm to violent without notice. Their comments explain why an officer cannot be defined or separated in simple terms such as warrior or guardian. The profession demands a necessary blend of both. Bill explains how officers continue to grow and improve as they develop and hone their people skills in both the classroom and the arena of everyday real life.
Transitioning into a conversation about the legal system, Bill talks about the operational parameters established by caselaw, statute law, the rules of evidence and court and criminal procedure. In short, a police officer responding to a call for help is expected to arrive safely, render medical aid, identify, and protect the crime scene(s), locate witnesses and possibly make an arrest all the while understanding and conforming to the legal rules for each task while operating in the heat and tension of the moment with no time-outs to stop and think through what they are called to do.