Powers On Policing

Powers On Policing


December 05, 2023

Join us in this first episode of a new chapter as we transition from a general overview of policing in America today, to an in-depth look at criminal investigations.

In many instances the witness interviews and evidence present in a simple, straight-forward manner and result in a quick arrest and prosecution. In other cases, the preliminary information and evidence may be lacking or in dispute, requiring a larger and more in-depth investigation. The bigger the challenge, the more rewarding when the case is solved, and results in a conviction. Listen as Bill explains the practical and legal process that is present in all investigations and why a holistic, overall team approach is needed to solve and prosecute a case. The burden always falls on the prosecution team to prove the case against the defendant “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Learn many of the ways that investigative teams approach and meet that legal obligation. 
