Powers On Policing

Powers On Policing

Frank Scalise; “The Ride Along” and “The Tattered Blue Line"

October 31, 2023

Our guest today is author and retired police officer Frank Scalise. Frank, who writes under the pen name Frank Zafiro, has produced more than thirty novels and countless short stories in the genre of police procedurals. All are authentic, topical, and well written. None are more timely or relevant though than the two we will discuss in this episode. I believe our discussion serves as an exclamation point to the end of this chapter in our podcast series directed towards police and community engagement.

Frank candidly discusses his views on policing and community engagement in both the past and the current environments. He notes how in retirement he is still passionate and concerned about the business and culture of law enforcement. However, his outlook and opinions are now more fully developed because for the first time they are formed from the standpoint of an outsider looking in and not the other way around. 

He notes that his concerns about the fractured relationships between our police and the communities they serve are primarily based on misunderstandings, mistruths, and a lack of rational discussion between all parties. With those concerns as a background, he set out to write a story that would not sugarcoat or slant the storyline toward one set of beliefs versus another. The result was “The Ride Along” , a truly eye-opening, thought-provoking and challenging exercise that will cause all readers to pause and consider and question their own thoughts and opinions. The book is co-authored by Colin Conway, an author and former colleague with Scalise on the Spokane, Washington Police Department.

Please consider purchasing these two books from the Frank Zafiro collections. You won’t be disappointed! Both are available on Amazon and other book selling platforms.

“The Ride Along” is true to the title. A veteran midnight police officer in Spokane Washington is assigned a ride-along passenger for the midnight shift. His “partner” is a member of the Police Reform Initiative (PRI) and, he believes, is an opponent and not a proponent of the city police force. The entire story takes place during one night and explores their response to radio calls and the personal interactions, and spirited dialogue that follows. The conversations are thought provoking from all views and ultimately, are a cause for soul-searching and difficult decision making.

“The Tattered Blue Line” is an anthology of fourteen short stories authored by folks who work in the criminal justice environment, but who have differing responsibilities. As a result, their writing may be fiction, but it evolves from their work experiences that allows them to present and explore points of view and implicit biases from several divergent angles. 

You can also reach Frank at his website: www.wrongplacewritecrime.com