Looking 4 Healing Radio

Looking 4 Healing Radio

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Dear Mr. President… ‘How to beat dementia naturally’
July 02, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis There is no reason on earth that President Joe Biden should be so mentally challenged, living in a world of answers with so many natural solutions. You m

Information, circulation and application
June 29, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Jana Schmidt This broadcast addresses listeners' questions about where to find collective recommendations, thoughts on poor cir

6 impactful books to help parents learn and children grow
June 28, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt The return to actual books is a solid way to utilize impactful resources that can not only help you learn and grow but also share with others and easily

You are a lightbulb waiting to be turned on
June 27, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy When you understand that true medicine does not have side effects and that your body is capable of miraculous things you can attract healing into your lif

Vitality is the capacity to live, grow, or develop
June 26, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett If our bodies are not experiencing vitality there are a million ways it will let us know if we understand the way it communicates WITH us and TO us. The

Extended social media and cell phone use rapidly increase risk of depression
June 25, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis There is an article expressing the surgeon generals' worry about the mental, emotional, and physical harm that social media apps and cell phone use prese

Spiritual warfare and its impact on your health – a live case study
June 22, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy One of the things you will learn in this episode is the power of using natural therapeutics topica

Why didn’t ancient wheat cause gluten intolerance?
June 21, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt Modern wheat (and other grains) are refined, processed, and prepared to save time and money. This removes the more nutritional components of wheat, leav

The Healer within each of us is our greatest energy
June 20, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy I believe that life conditions us to quiet this intuitive voice in favor of a rational mind that seeks to confuse our hearts desires with ingrained habit

Your tongue may just save your life someday!
June 19, 2024

Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett The color, texture, shape, movement, coating, veins, and overall vitality of the tongue hold the key to unlocking so much information about our health. W
