Focused on the Future

Focused on the Future

Focused on the Future: Will Trout on the Impact From Emerging Trends on the Wealth Management Industry

April 10, 2024

In this episode of Focused on the Future, Suzanne Siracuse, talks with Will Trout, Director of the Securities and Investments practice at Datos Insights, on the how technology advancements are impacting our industry, why the major resurgence of alternative investments and that the client of the future will require personalization of advice.

Specifically, Will discusses:

  • The evolution of Generative AI tools 
  • The importance of data hygiene in how firms implement tech effectively.
  • Why Portfolio personalization is the future.
  • The increased adoption of alternatives by financial advisors 
  • How M&A activity is impacting the advisor’s business model and their offerings to clients

Connect with Suzanne Siracuse:


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About our Guest:

William Trout serves as Director of the Securities and Investments practice at Datos Insights, focusing on technology strategy and innovation in the capital markets. He has particular expertise in platform automation; data capture, storage and analytics; and portfolio management and optimization. Within the wealth and asset management arena, his interests include investment advisory and wholesaling and distribution services, as well as private banking and trust.

Will’s research and consulting work is informed by more than more than two decades of industry experience. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Will led wealth and asset management in the U.S. and the U.K. at Celent, a division of Oliver Wyman, before launching separate advisor- and investor-focused research practices at Javelin Strategy & Research. Prior to those roles, Will spent many years in product and segment management at BBVA Compass, where he helped guide the introduction of a pioneering managed-accounts platform and the expansion of banking and investments services targeting high-net-worth and institutional investors.

An authority on digital advice delivery, Will has been widely quoted in the trade press as well as in publications such as the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. He is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences and gatherings
