

Episode 72: Carl Udler (Hughes)

February 13, 2024

In today’s episode of FranchiseU!, Kathy sits down with Carl Udler from Hughes. During the conversation they cover two interesting topics. The first is about the potential uses of technology in a brick-and-mortar franchise to improve efficiency. The second is how Hughes is an excellent example of the opportunities offered to suppliers of a franchise.


Carl Udler possesses a rare blend of technology expertise combined with Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) and Certified Foodservice Technology Professional (CFTP) industry credentials and over 25 years of professional experience, 15 of which has focused on the franchise industry. As a senior director at Hughes, Udler provides valuable guidance to Franchisors and retailers on a broad range of technologies, processes, networking best practices, and cybersecurity solutions, enabling them to solve the types of concrete challenges that impact business, customers and ROI. Udler routinely evaluates market forces and shares insights based on what he sees happening in the marketplace at industry events and on social media. He is active with the International Franchise Association, International Food & Beverage Technology Association, and Conexxus. Udler’s professional experience, background and MBA contribute to the data driven approach he applies when working with enterprises to identify their needs and then match the right solution to meet those needs.
