Sacral Transformations: Sacred Journeys into the Divine Dark

Latest Episodes
E7: Birthing the Wailing Circle by Walking with Death
The Wailing Circle at Braided Root Waters Healing Sanctuary embodies the Vulture Medicine of gathering together in a Circle to uncover the Truth and renew Life by picking the flesh from the bones. M
E6: Seeded by My Spirit Lover, I Remember My Divine Purpose
I learned my Divine Purpose, what I was given to call The Work of My Spirit, when Mother Earth and the three Indigenous Grandfather Spirits of Braided Root Waters come into my life. The youngest Gra
E5: I Trust the Gifts of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers
I met Mr. Catalyst at the 2023 Spring Equinox Circle at Braided Root Waters Healing Sanctuary. What followed was full-scale Chaos of my life-long ideas about love, relationship, and my own heterosexua
E4: Getting my Voice back…
I share more of my Why for doing this podcast, more of the backstory of my life, and how a Shamanic Soul Retrieval in 2016 brought back to me my Voice and gave me the ability to be and feel effective
E3: Honeybee and Grandmother Moon
I share two of my very first Shamanic Journeys from the workshop I took in January of 2016, Fundamentals of Shamanism with Bekki Shining Bearheart. This is when I learned to Shamanic Journey and I fou
E2: Healing the patriarchal Sexual Trauma in my Body and Moving Beyond Fear
Since February of 2023 Ive been in one of the most significant periods of healing and transformation since I began this path in 2016. I share the details of a few very powerful Shamanic Journeys: Emb
E1: My Journey Begins
On a wave of inspiration I recorded this first 20 minute episode by the flowing waters of Taughannock Creek. I begin to share my Journey from a small life stamped by fear to the life of meaning and pu