

Branding Blunders: Common Branding Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

June 13, 2023

On this episode of Branded, Larry Roberts and Sara Lohse are diving deep into the side of branding we don't always talk about: the mistakes we've made!

We've all made mistakes when carving out our personal brands, so this episode will talk about a few of the common ones we see every day and have dealt with ourselves, with helpful insights on how to avoid them or navigate out of them.

Discussed in this episode:

  • The crucial role of authenticity in building a strong personal brand for long-term success.
  • Understanding how clearly defining your mission, vision, and target audience can lead to steady growth and increased loyalty.
  • Becoming aware of the pitfalls of unhealthy competition, and developing ways to overcome it for personal brand growth.
  • Tapping into methods for consistently assessing and enhancing your personal brand's effectiveness.
  • Grasping the importance of carving out your niche to stand out in a saturated market and achieve optimal results.