

Know, Like, Trust: How to Build Trust and Loyalty with Your Personal Brand

November 14, 2023

On this episode of "Branded," we're talking about an important cornerstone in our thought leadership and brand building journey: the Know, Like, Trust process.

Building a personal brand is more than just making yourself known; it's about getting people to like and trust you. We discuss the essential steps to establish this journey, from introducing yourself and sharing your origin story, to showcasing your personality and being authentic, and finally, earning trust through testimonials and transparency.

Building a brand is not just about attracting attention, but also about building a genuine connection with your audience. Building likability means showing your true personality and being authentic. This episode stresses the significance of consistency in messaging and engaging with your audience based on personal values and experiences. But the ultimate goal is trust.

Sharing testimonials, case studies, and even mistakes help enhance credibility and establish a real human connection. Remember, this journey isn't linear. Some people join at different points, so be sure to cover all phases in your content. 

Key takeaways:

  1.  The "know, like, trust" journey is crucial for any personal brand. It starts with making yourself known to your audience, but it doesn't stop there. It's about building meaningful connections and engaging with your audience on a deeper level.
  2. Authenticity is key to building trust. Showcase your personality and let people see the real you. Share stories, experiences, and even your mistakes. Vulnerability and transparency will foster a stronger connection and make your brand more relatable.
  3. Consistency is critical in messaging and engagement. A strong personal brand is built on maintaining a consistent message and sharing valuable content. Whether it's through origin stories, case studies, or testimonials, ensure your content reflects who you are and why you do what you do.