

Embracing Change: Understanding When It's Time to Rebrand

October 17, 2023

On this episode of Branded, Larry and Sara are talking about rebranding: what it means, when it's time, and how to communicate the changes to your audience.

We talk about Larry's brand evolution from Readily Random to Podcast Boost to his current Red Hat Media and how Sara's brand name hasn't changed but her service offerings have evolved.

Rebranding is often due to a misalignment, whether it's a misalignment of our messaging or even of our audience. Through different examples, this episode will give you ideas about whether you should consider rebranding and how to start.

Key takeaways:

  1. If your brand isn't resonating with your audience or if there is a disconnect in your messaging, it might be time for a rebrand. Take the time to understand your audience and ensure that your brand's visuals, message, and vision align with their expectations.
  2. Before initiating a rebrand, conduct a thorough audience analysis to determine whether your current audience will resonate with the changes or if a new audience needs to be targeted. By understanding your audience's preferences and interests, you can create a brand that truly connects with them.
  3. Unlike corporate brands, personal brands are not set in stone. As your life and circumstances change, it's natural for your personal brand to evolve as well. Embrace this evolution and regularly assess whether your brand still aligns with who you are and the message you want to convey.