

AI for Branding: Using ChatGPT to Build Your Personal Brand

October 10, 2023

On this episode of Branded, Larry and Sara Lohse the power of AI tools in building your personal brand.

As one of the leading speakers on AI, Larry shares his insights on ChatGPT and how different features can be used in your branding journey.

The main focus of the conversation is around persona modeling and custom instructions, explaining how you can duplicate your own voice and personality within ChatGPT to help it respond to your prompts in a way that fits your brand.

Dad jokes:

Q: Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

A: They make up everything.

Q: Why was the math book sad?

A: Because it had too many problems.

Q: Why did the tomato blush?

A: Because it saw the salad dressing.

Q: Why don’t oysters give to charity?

A: Because they’re too shellfish.

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?

A: Because it wasn’t peeling well.

Key takeaways:

  1. How to create custom instructions within ChatGPT so it reflects your voice, brand, and messaging.
  2. The chat-level workaround for persona modeling that's easier for beginners.
  3. AI is like a brilliant toddler -- it knows everything and has context for none of it.