My Widowed Life

My Widowed Life

Helping You Heal After Loss: Grief and Mental Health Resources (Ep. 3)

June 08, 2023

Have you experienced heartbreaking grief that has impacted your life? 

Often, grief is not a feeling you can prepare for. 

In this episode, Palma is once again joined by her recurring guest and friend, Richard Dri. Together they discuss the multifaceted nature of grief and its impact on our emotional well-being. Listen as they share their insights on the various stages of grief, coping mechanisms, and the importance of seeking professional help when navigating loss.

Hear their real-life experiences about: 

  • How they leaned on mental health resources like therapy and journaling.
  • What symptoms they experienced during their grief and how they coped
  • The types and stages of grief that surviving spouses and their immediate family can experience
  • Strategies that they continue to enforce as they navigate widowhood
  • And more


Connect with Palma Polesel: 

Connect with Richard Dri: