The Davo Show

Joy Stacking – DavoShow031
Joy Stacking Makes Your Life Better – DavoShow031
I went for a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway the other day and realized I was having a Joy Stacking experience.
Show Notes
- Maximize your experiences by “Joy Stacking” them.
- My old, new car… a 140k mile, manual, seal gray 996 911 C4S.
- My favorite drive of all time is the Blue Ridge Parkway.
- One joy was an indigo bunting an uncommon, beautiful blue bird.
What Is The Davo Show?
- Examples from Living Life to the Fullest
- Connecting with Nature and the Outdoors
- David Bourne’s Short Form Audio Shipped from the Field
- Quick Experiments in Thought and Sound
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[0:14] Hey folks you are listening to the sounds in my backyard there are cars driving by on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
There are birds, and a little rustling in the in the leaves from the, the wind blowing.
It reminded me of the other day when I got in my car (my favorite car It’s a 911. I got in it. I bought it last year. I love it. It’s been in the shop a good bit. It’s, it’s 21 years old. Needed some work. But I love the thing. So fun to drive.)
I got in it. Went around the corner. Got on the parkway, which is that road that so often when I’m recording you hear vehicles on the parkway. I got in it. I went for a few miles. Beautiful day.
Got out at an overlook, which are these little parking lots that the parkway has.
And you can just pull out and they’ve cleared the trees there. Keep it clear so you can look down into the valley. That was at the overlooking the Walnut Grove.
[1:32] Just gorgeous and of course I hear a bird that I thought I’d never heard before.
I didn’t really recognize it so I recorded it (that recording sucks because there were lots of motorcycles out that day so I won’t be posting that one but, it was an indigo bunting which is beautiful bluebird I did get to see it but mostly I got to hear it.
I couldn’t quite see it, I wasn’t that close.
On the drive home, I came up with this concept that I want to share with you, because I think it is worth.Living into it, because it definitely makes life better.
The concept is called joy stacking.
Okay, so think about those things that I did.
– I got in a favorite car,
– got on my favorite road, the Blue Ridge Parkway,
– pulled over, because I knew there’d be a great view,
– and sure enough, there was a little slice of nature there, that bird and the bird song,
– and then I recorded it.
So what was I doing? I was stacking the joys.
I realized this on the drive home. I was putting together a bunch of things that I love all in one moment, all in one sequence, and that just amplified the enjoyment of it all.
So that’s a technique that we can all do. I’m doing it right now, standing my beautiful backyard and soaking it in, paying attention to how the leaves are moving around through this gentle breeze.
And now I’m even noticing there’s some new, some new buds in the magnolia tree that I hadn’t noticed. Very cool. I’m listening to the, to the water fountain.
[3:28] I’m hearing the birds and trying to figure out what they are, see if I know their calls are night, see if I know their calls or not.
- I have Got my dogs out here.
- I’m making a podcast recording.
- Stacking the joys, folks.
That’s Joy stacking.
How are you joy stacking?
Are you doing this?
Have you been doing this all along?
Maybe going out on hikes, not by yourself, sometimes that’s joyful, but go invite your best friends.
Go invite some folks you haven’t seen stack the joys bring some awesome snacks your favorite stuff tell them why you love it just some ideas for you out here on this glorious windy sunny spring day go find some joy stacking folks!
This is Dave and hope to see you out there.
[4:25] Cheers and Thank you!