The Davo Show

Confronting Limiting Beliefs Helps You Find the Truth – DavoShow026
I’m Confronting A Limiting Belief To See What Happens
I have a limiting belief about using video for this Davo Show Project.
I think video is going to be too hard to use and it will mess up a good thing.
The irony is that I’m great at video. I have 35 plus years working with it.
The problem is that my standards don’t match the time and energy I have for this project.
So there’s friction between two parts of me.
One part wants to use video because it’s fun, because I love it, and because it will broaden the reach of this project.
But the other part is very particular, and wants to do it in certain ways. And those ways, usually take a lot of time and energy, and bring out my critical nature.
So I made this podcast in combo with video in very challenging environment on purpose.
I need to see what it feels like to do what I don’t want to do.
Because sometimes you have just got to try things to see how they feel, and to learn what happens.
You don’t know anything until you’ve actually done the thing.
What’s a limiting belief that’s holding you back right now?
Sometimes  you think that you’re not good enough.
But other times it’s because you’re too good.
Limiting beliefs don’t care. They just want to limit you and keep you in the place that they think is safe.
Where are you staying safe?
How would you would like to say yes to, but you won’t because a part of you says no?
What Is The Davo Show?
- Examples from Living Life to the Fullest
- Connecting with Nature and the Outdoors
- David Bourne’s Short Form Audio Shipped from the Field
- Quick Experiments in Thought and Sound
Listen to This Episode 026
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Rough Transcript
Hey folks, it’s David Bourne. I am making a video from Oak Island. It’s really windy as, As you can probably hear.
These microphones that I’m using are picking up a lot of that wind so I apologize for that.
[0:49] It’s also raining, which is not the best time to be filming, but that’s kind of the point today.
I’m making this video version in stereo out here at the beach.
A little shot of the beach, of the ocean rather.
I’m making this to prove a point to myself. And what I’m doing is I’m countering an idea that I have.
And that idea is a limiting belief that says I shouldn’t be making videos for the Davo show because that’ll be way too hard and that’ll complicate things too much.
So I needed to challenge that belief and see what would happen if I actually made a video.
And so that’s what I’m doing.
Because whenever you want to do something and that thing is hard, there’s a very good, chance you’re going to have some limiting beliefs come up.
And that’s one of my limiting beliefs.
I have a lot of experience making videos and making them professionally and being paid to make them and that kind of experience can be counterproductive when you’re trying to do something quick and dirty like I’m trying to do for the Davo Show.
Because that part of me shows up and says no you’re not doing that right no, you should not be shooting in the rain with an iPhone and stereo in the wind.
[2:17] Because that’s gonna cause all kinds of problems and it is causing problems sure enough technical problems but really that doesn’t matter if what you want to do is to share your story with the world.
The technical stuff, yes, it’s important but it’s not as important as you getting out there and so I’m doing this because I want to make a point to myself.
That number one I can do it and I’ll still live because there’s a part of us that feels like it’s gonna be horrific but it’s not gonna be horrific it’s just gonna be a thing not a big deal.
[2:54] I’m gonna finish this recording get back inside where it’s dry and warm, and hopefully you can hear the awesomeness of these waves in stereo.
[3:07] Which is why I’m recording in stereo, so you can hear the beach just a little bit more realistically.
So, enjoy a few moments of Oak Island, and I hope to see you out there folks.
This is David Bourne from Cheers!