The Davo Show

What I Learned Being Coached By A Millions-Earning Coach Today – DavoShow023
What I Learned Being Coached By A Millions-Earning Coach Today
In this episode, I cover how and why I got coached by Rich Litvin, a world-class coach today.
But more importantly, how I came to see that I’m still hiding from something I deeply care about.
So it’s time to make some changes.
What Do You Want to Change in Your Life??
- What do you want to bring into the world but still struggle to manifest?
- What are you waiting for?
- What’s keeping you from believing that you can get what you want and be that person that’s waiting inside you?
What Is The Davo Show?
- Examples from Living Life to the Fullest
- Connecting with Nature and the Outdoors
- Music and Rhythms
- David Bourne’s Short Form Audio Shipped from the Field
- Quick Experiments in Thought and Sound
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Rough Transcript
[0:14] Hey everybody, welcome to the Davo Show, where I make podcasts every day, every day but one day a week. Everybody needs a rest.
My goal for this podcast is to make them early in the morning so that they’re done, but I’m looking up at the sky and there’s just the slightest bit of blue left in it, which is kind of surprising considering that it’s almost 9 30 eastern standard time, it’s mid-may so the longest days of the year are not here yet.
[1:00] It’s pretty quiet i can hear a dryer that’s uh running that’s the house sounds, Otherwise, it’s pretty dang quiet.
[1:19] I think I hear crickets. It’s really hard because my tinnitus, which is permanent ringing in my ear, particularly my left ear, it seems pretty loud right now.
But my guess is, is there are some insects out there making some noise.
And of course, here comes a car.
That’s all right. I’m okay. Even though it’s this late, I wanted to get it done early, but I’m okay with it because, it just doesn’t matter.
Really, that’s just a rule that I impose on myself. And I’m not going to let this take very long.
And that has to do with today’s content of this podcast.
Because what this is about is me being coached by a millions-earning coach, meaning one of, the top coaches in the world coached me today.
And I figure, well, that doesn’t happen every day.
So I’m going to talk about that for a bit and post that up to the Davo Show podcast, where I can post anything I want.
And just talk about what happened and why that happened and what came of it.
[2:47] Or what’s coming of it I should say because I can feel on my belly that something’s coming of it. I’ll talk about that, Towards the end of this but let me just tell you what happened first so,
I am in Rich Litvin’s class and there was a zoom call today and there are about 50 of us on there, with rich and typically he’ll call out a few folks he’ll ask some questions and, and he’ll go through the list and he’ll coach some folks.
[3:21] And so I got picked because when he asked the question, and I’m not gonna remember this exactly, but it was a question that had to do with why are you holding back?
That’s how I’m interpreting the question.
Holding back from becoming the coach, you wanna be charging the prices, you wanna be coaching the type of people you wanna coach, that kind of question.
Doing what you want to do is how I interpret that.
And so I didn’t really know, but I thought, well, I just don’t feel that experienced.
I’ve only been coaching for a couple of years.
And so he coached a woman who, you know, she was great and Rich typically does some transformative stuff.
So yeah, that happened for sure.
And for some reason he picked mine. I think the reason he picked it is because it’s pretty common, common.
Not that it was anything special.
[4:22] But he pulled that one out of the list of 50 or so answers that people were given and asked to coach me.
And it’s funny because before I got on the call, I thought if Rich asked anybody if they want to be coached, I’m going to raise my hand quickly.
He did that in the last call and I did raise my hand.
And, you know, it’s pretty scary, especially in front of a bunch of folks you don’t know, and this high power, and I say millions earning, what does that mean?
Well, it just means that there are people out there who are willing to pay him a lot of money to be coached.
And so that somehow makes the stakes higher. but I was like, dang, I’m at, that’s super valuable.
So, allergies are kind of bad right now.
[5:17] But it’s worth it to be outside.
[5:24] He started asking me questions about my life. What did you study in college? Literature.
Who is your favorite author? Shakespeare.
What’d you do after that? Got a job, then went back to school for media arts. Okay, what about that?
Well, worked at Duke Hospital. Also worked at a camp, which was transformative too.
I worked at Duke Hospital with a bunch of surgeons. He’s like, oh, with a bunch of surgeons, So he thought that was kind of interesting.
And so I just said, yeah, I just helped them transition from analog media to digital media, and help them with their educational materials.
And so he’s like, what happened after that? So he’s like, well, I got a job teaching at the local university and taught there. And they said, eventually you’re going to have to get, a better degree if you’re going to keep teaching here.
He’s like, what’s that mean? It’s like, well, an MFA, it’s Masters of Fine Arts, it’s a terminal degree if you’re gonna teach in a art department, you can have a non-PhD, it’s called an MFA.
It’s a PhD kind of for artists, but more based on artwork versus, I guess, writing a doctor’s thesis.
So, by this point, I knew kind of what Rich was doing.
[6:54] He was saying, you know, getting me to tell me my experience, because I’m someone who just said, I don’t feel very experienced.
So he goes all the way back to college and then, but then he asks a question which I thought, you know what, I’m going to dig a little deeper here. I’m with Rich Litvin.
I need to be a little bit more honest, more vulnerable.
[7:19] See what comes up and so when he asked me about, Artwork kind of art I made I told him about this. It was my final master’s MFA thesis piece, It was this nest I called it an osprey nest and it I make kind of crappy looking this that’s what it looked like pretty much bunch of sticks,
But in the middle of it, I put this house and in the house there was a tiny little TV screen, and I hadn’t thought about that thing in years decades really not much but you know, He asked me to describe it and I was like well, it’s a sarsaparilla nest and that connected me.
[8:06] To some loss and I somehow said, you know the thing that got me to coach got me into coaching was was the realization that I had done a lot of work, because my dad died when I was 11 years old, and my best friend killed himself, when we were 21 years old.
And I dug in, and I went and worked through the grief, and I studied life.
I studied personal growth.
I didn’t know it at the time, spirituality. You know, I really went deep.
I didn’t say this, but I stared into the abyss, but did not go in.
But I was on the rim of it looking in.
I guess meaning, you know, I mean, I was really questing life and death, on profound levels and doing a bunch of art around it.
And this osprey nest is kind of the last big piece of art that I’ve ever read about it.
And the osprey is kind of a phoenix rising up from the ashes, the electronic ashes, maybe.
[9:12] So I thought that was interesting. You know, here, how am I talking about this piece of art that I haven’t thought of in years?
But that’s what a great coach can do is dig stuff up.
And I forget the other questions he asked, but he got me to say, or I felt compelled to say that, And I, when this course, speaking of the course that I was taking, am taking, that we were all in together, I said, this is something that I, you know, I don’t have enough time and it’s pretty expensive, I don’t want to do this.
But then I thought about it and I thought, that’s just bullshit.
I want to take this course.
What did that mean to me?
So, what that means is at that moment when I signed up for the course, I…
[10:14] In a sense, jumped into the abyss because I went somewhere I wasn’t ready to go, meaning I knew that I needed to take this course because I knew that it was something that was going to push me harder than I was going to push myself. And it was going to help me to realize, what it is within me that I really want to do and kind of help me figure out, and I say kind of because I’m still working on it, figure out why I’m not doing that yet.
So, a great coach is going to call you out on your shit. My alarm on my phone went off.
Hopefully, the recording is still going. Here we are in real time, folks. Yes, it is.
I’ll back up a little bit just in case the alarm messed that up.
Goodness, you’d think I would learn these things, but I don’t.
[11:04] So, a powerful coach is going to ask you powerful questions. powerful questions.
And the powerful thing that Rich got me to was to the realization within me, to say, I signed up for this course because I knew it’s what I needed.
And I had been hiding. And here’s the podcast, talk about meta.
Because I mentioned I’ve been podcasting a lot. And he’s like, well, the book that Rich Litvin Clifford and Steve Chandler wrote, I don’t know, seven or eight years ago.
It was basically in opposition to this idea that you need to have a podcast or you need to do all this social media stuff.
[11:48] Now, Rich has all this stuff, but that’s not why he’s a millions-earning coach.
[11:58] He’s a fantastic world-class coach because he knows a great method and he lives it, and that is to put yourself out there on a regular basis and to connect with people in meaningful, deep ways.
And that’s what I’m trying to do with this podcast. That is true.
But I’m also needing and wanting to do that more, in a way that pushes my coaching forward in the real world, not just the digital space, online content, marketing, and all that.
And I feel like after reflecting on this, it’s like, well, is this podcast a waste of time? No, it’s not.
It’s just not the main thing, by any means. The main thing is me sitting down every day and saying, who would I like to talk to today?
Who do I just want to reach out to and connect with?
Not to coach, just to connect, because it’s in connecting with people, in genuine ways that we put ourselves out to the world in a genuine way so that we can show up fully as who we are and who we wanna be and who we can be.
And we co-create that.
[13:14] People, the people we connect with, and eventually that’s going to lead to more connections, which can lead to more coaching.
Doesn’t have to, but that’s probably what’s going to happen because I’m going to lead with my natural self and be curious and want to know what’s up with people.
And if in that conversation, I feel like I could help them, then I’m going to say so.
Maybe that’s through coaching or maybe that’s just through helping people as people do.
So that’s where I am.
The podcast is still cranking out.
I’m still putting it out there. I’m still putting myself out there in that sense, but that is the easy thing.
The harder thing is going to be for me to sit down every day and say, who do I want to connect with?
And is that hard? It’s not hard. It’s just that I have this perception that it’s hard because it’s really not.
In fact, I just did it 20 minutes ago. I said, man, you gotta reach out to somebody before you get on that podcast and talk about this.
So I did.
I reached out to someone who I admire and thought, you know what?
I wanna catch up with that person.
So I sent him an email. Said, I hope we can be in touch.
So what’s next?
I hear a dog out there.
[14:34] You don’t usually hear that. It’s interesting.
So what’s next? Well, I guess I’ll see what happens tomorrow. My guess is it’s going to be, more like How I want it to be deep down because I got coached by somebody powerful and I got that power within me,
The coaching helped me see something And and now that I see it i’m like, yeah, that’s it, That’s that’s really what I want, And I want to help do that for more people.
So if you hear this that resonates with you give me a call we can talk about, You talk about anything, but if you know me give me a call or you can find me at, And I don’t say that to say that this is a sales pitch But it actually is because the pitch is,
We want to do things that we’re not doing.
[15:32] And sometimes we get so distracted with good things that we don’t let ourselves remember that what we really want are the great things.
So what’s a great thing that you want, that you’re hiding from, that you’re holding back on, that you’re not doing because some part of you says that’s a stupid idea, or we don’t have time yet, or you’re not ready yet?
Look, I’m the same way. I saw that rich today. We’re all like this, but we can all, Work on it to get better and the more we do it the closer we’re gonna get there.
So, Thanks for listening. I’m David Bourne. Hope to see you out there.