The Davo Show

The Davo Show

Love It Or Kill It - DavoShow019

May 18, 2023

Learning What You Love Will Help You Not Kill It.

This is what I’m learning about this short form, audio project…

The iterations of doing it over and over for several days now is teaching me that the things I love are worth building on and protecting.

What do I need to protect it from?

My own fears that it’s not living up to some higher standard that says it needs to be something else.

What do I love about it?

I love the simple nature of it, being inspired by something in nature, and reflecting on a deeper connection to an idea.

Ultimately, it’s because I love the world and I love life. So far, this podcast has been a good reflection of that simple truth.

When you find something that is true to you, don’t let it go.

What Is the Davo Show?
  • A short-form audio podcast

  • A place to experiment with ideas, sound and quick podcast production.

Mostly, I create sounds from nature or music.

Where Can I Find The Davo Show?

You can find all of the Davo Show Episodes at

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Unedited Transcript

[0:16] Hey folks, it’s Dave Bourne.

In the backyard again.

Listening to a robin.

You can probably hear that.

But there’s also an eastern towhee out there, and a wood thrush. I’ve seen all three of them in my yard. I don’t see any of them right now, but I hear them.

Oh, I just saw one fly off the branch. I think that’s the robin. They’re pretty common.

The reason I know it was a tohi, the reason I know it was a wood thrush is because my Merlin app identified all of those. I.

[1:18] Thought that was a robin. I’m not quite, I’m not quite so good to know what all the calls are, but I am not afraid to use the Merlin app, which is amazing for, bird identification. Particularly amazing the way it uses audio sounds.

Audio sounds? That’s redundant. It uses audio to identify bird calls. Really cool. If you haven’t checked it out you should. Just another way to engage with the great outdoors. Yeah, so I’ve gotten to the point where I’m starting to look back on on the work that I’ve done for this project.

And that’s just, you know, I’ve taken enough action where I’m starting to understand it.

And I wanted to mark that today as, now that’s a chickadee you hear.

[2:31] Kind of buzzing. I do know those, and squeaking.

But I’ve learned enough from the iterations that I’ve done of this project that it’s starting to sink in what it is.

And I was surprised. I got coached on this project twice today.

I’m doing coaching training and I coach with fellow coaches, we coach each other.

I coach about this a lot, my project, it’s something that I’m working on, the shipping, is a challenge for me. I have tons of ideas, I make tons of stuff, but I don’t share it that much.

But with this audio project, this Devo Show podcast, that is changing.

[3:28] But that’s not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is, is, well, a couple of things.

The first, the problem. We like to focus on problems, so I’m gonna focus there first.

But then on the second thing, I’m gonna talk about the awesomeness that I’m finding in this project.

So first, the problem. The problem is I’m having a typical tendency to overthink it, to overdo it, and to try to make it into some kind of marketing project, which it already is that, but I’m trying to finesse it.

I’m trying to make the web content longer and it’s taking me more time than I want it to, and I’m starting to resent that.

And the coaching I was doing was I came with this problem, like I don’t want to kill this project with this desire to turn it into something that I don’t like anymore, which is, that’s happened before with projects like this.

[4:34] And so, that’s the problem, which I can overcome. And this is why I can overcome it.

The reason I can overcome it is because I’ve discovered what I love about this project.

And that’s the spontaneous nature of walking out in nature, being inspired by something like a bird song.

[4:56] And relating that to something I’ve learned or something I’m learning or something I want to learn and just start talking about it and process it out loud, share what I know, share what I’m excited about.

And the real, that’s the good part, but the really good part that I, that I saw that when When I really do this in the way that I want to do it, what I’m doing is I’m enjoying life, to the fullest.

And being out in nature is a big part of that.

Being inspired by something is a big part of that, but also sharing my thoughts about change.

Of course, there’s so much change in nature, but about how people learn, about how people grow about how I want to learn, how I want to grow, how I want to share ideas and I want to help other people share ideas.

I don’t want to help other people move through this stuff, because this is a very human problem.

Back to the problem of wanting to do something, but there’s a part of us that thinks it needs to be something else or it’s deficient or whatever.

[6:13] Because even with this project that I know and I love, there’s a part of me that thinks that.

And I’m accepting that part of me because that’s a part of me that wants it to be useful to my life.

And I just have to trust right now that it is going to be useful.

I mean, it already is.

But that part of me that wants to it to be a success in some monetary term or professional term or I don’t know what, social status, whatever that part of us wants, that’s a normal, part of us that wants things like that. The trick is being aware of it, seeing for what it is, and not letting it kill the project, which I’m not gonna do. Which, is why this project is just gonna be as simple as I can make it. I’m recording it, I’m gonna ship it today, I’ll probably put a title on it, but it’s not gonna take up much of my time because I got to go watch some Ted Lasso that just came out.

And I don’t want to miss that and I don’t want to fuck this up this project and I’m not gonna. Pardon my French. So that’s my word out here with the Robins.

[7:32] And the chickadee and the.

[7:38] Eastern Tohey, That’s a Robin and the, What else did I say do you remember Robin Eastern Tohey wood thrush Chickadee, There’s a lot more stuff out here too, and it’s just waiting to reveal itself, So I’ll sit out here for a few more minutes send this file up to the Auphonic server where it’ll do its magic, send it to the, podcast server, then I’ll log in to WordPress, click publish, and let it get out there and do its thing. So speaking of doing its thing, thank you for listening, and I hope to see you out there. Cheers!