The Davo Show

The Davo Show

Unwanted Sound Advice – The Davo Show

October 01, 2021

Is It Frustration or Discovery?

You never know what you are going to get when you record audio outdoors.

I’ve learned to accept this challenge and to go with the flow of what’s happening. Otherwise, I’m constantly frustrated with “unwanted” sounds.

In today’s example, I went out to record some crows I was hearing and tell a story about them. But they disappeared.

No Crows

No Crow Story.

No Biggie.

Returning to the Davo Show’s Short Form

I keep coming back to this short form audio project because I love being outdoors, and I love to listen to what it has to tell me.

And I apparently love this problem of trying to record one things then having something else happen.

Is this the magic of the moment? Maybe. Or maybe it’s just a part of learning to love what is vs what I want it to be.

What Is This Short Audio Series About?

– Creativity

– Nature

– Discovery

– Living your best life

You can find all of the episodes on my website here.

Stay tuned for subscription details. It’s in the works. These things take time, you know.

Episode Transcript

You have found the Davo Show: experiments in ideas and sound.

I’m in my backyard. It’s about 9am. And I’m looking at a gorgeous tree. I think it’s sourwood. It’s got orange leaves against the green backdrop of this magnificent forest that I get to look at every day.

Every day that I’m home, I’m back here on the back deck. It’s where I sit and “cipher”. Which means think about stuff.

It’s where I meditate, where I hang out with Birdy the dog, and sometimes with friends.

But this morning, I’m thinking about the crow that was hanging out over on the right and I was hoping to get some audio of that crow and of course, as crow’s do, he’s not cooperating and he has stopped his raucus cawing.

I do hear, of course, road sounds. That’s the nearby Parkway. Tires. Spinning on pavement. The whirr is pretty constant. But that’s okay.

And I’m thinking about the hawk. It was in the sourwood. That took flight. Just as I opened the door earlier this morning. I spooked him off the branch. We see lots of hawks around here but it’s not very common that they’re hanging out on a on a tree in our yard.

There’s the neighbor’s dog. Lulu.

You probably can’t hear it. But I hear the beep beep beep beep of a truck that’s pretty constant to hear a truck backing up or a tractor and that’s okay.

I have learned that when I listen for sounds and sit back here on the back deck, I can try to fight something or will something to stop or to start.

But none of that willing really helps me much. It’s much more fun and interesting to (simply) listen.

Transcribed by the awesome
