The Davo Show

The Davo Show

The New Call of an Old Bird

March 25, 2021
Figuring Out What I Know and Don’t Know About Wildlife
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What’s This Series About?

– A short-form audio series

– It’s about creativity, nature, and living your best life.

– Experiments in Ideas and Sound

Robins and Shotgun (Mics) Transcript

So this Robin is about 20 feet from me.

I think he sees me but he probably sees a worm in the grass too. So again, this is a Robin, super common is about 20 feet away on the grass. It’s twilight. He is looking for dinner.

Oh, he found a worm. I knew he was looking for something. He found an earthworm. Good for him.

So like I said Robin’s are super common. And off it goes. That was cool.

So yeah, the robin is one of those birds I have been able to identify for a long time. Sorry, my volume is a little loud there. I’ve been able to identify them for a long time, but not the call. And so that was cool.

It’s not super distinctive. I guarantee you I have heard that call before. But I couldn’t tell you that I had which is interesting. You know, it’s funny how some calls are distinctive.

Other ones are not least to me, I’m sure they’re very distinct to the Robins and maybe to you or maybe to other birders but now that I have recorded it, I will be able to remember it. I hope so.

By the way, I’m in my backyard again. And I’m recording with really my best recorder it’s called a Sound Devices Mixpre and it’s got really good preamps which are the little amplifiers that amplify the microphone.

And last night, if you happen to hear yesterday’s recording, I was recording in stereo. Tonight I’m only recording and mono because I got lazy so it sounds a little bit different.

But I’m using a shotgun mic which really makes it makes it makes me able to get better sound get more they call it a shotgun because it has a very narrow field that it picks up.

So I hope to be using it a lot more because it really does make a difference.

Alright, so I’m going to sign off again. I think this is day five for the podcast, the daily DavoShow my experiments and thought and sound mostly been talking about birds because it is springtime and they’ve been a lot of birds and it’s just something easy to talk about.

And I’m learning bird calls and learning all the birds in my yard and really got me thinking, well, I want to learn all the species in my yard. And I know that’s impossible. But I sure can learn a lot of them.

So I’m going to be more intentional about that and pass along some of that information. So you can learn more at for this short form audio show that so far have been pretty regular.

So I’m pretty happy about that. And thanks to this Robin, sounds like I’m going to get one out today as well.

So hope you’ll stay tuned. You can find it where you find all your podcasts. At least pretty soon. I haven’t actually done that part yet, but I’m going to do it soon. I promise.

Transcribed by the awesome dictation app

What’s Up with My New Daily Audio Series

I’m on Day Six of experimenting with a new short daily podcast.

You can find all of them on my website here.

Stay tuned for subscription details. It’s in the works. These things take time, you know.
