The Davo Show

The Davo Show

Why I’m Starting a Wildlife Life List

March 23, 2021
A Life List Can Help Raise Awareness and Reinforce Storytelling Skills

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I’m starting a Life List today. It’s a list of species that I already know, and new ones that I find along the way.

A life list helps you be more intentional about your observations. It helps you reflect on what you have found and on what you are learning.

Welcome to My New Daily Audio Series

I’m experimenting with a new short daily podcast.

You can find all of them on my website here.

Stay tuned for subscription details. It’s in the works. These things take time, you know.

What’s The Davo Show About?

– Experiments in ideas and sound

– A short-form audio series

– It’s about creativity, nature, and living your best life.

– Get it where you get your podcast and at the bottom of the show notes page.
