The Davo Show

The Davo Show

How Crows are Like People – DavoShow033

August 04, 2023

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How Crows are Like People – DavoShow033
I don’t like crows. And it’s teaching me about something I don’t like about myself.

I really dislike crows. Which is a bit weird because I admire them for their smarts.

Crows and their cousins the ravens are some of the most intelligent birds, as some remarkable studies have shown. I admire their intelligence.

But I really don’t like crows.

Crows are mean.

They gang up on my favorite birds (the raptors and owls), they hunt in packs, they fuss a lot.

Their animal grouping name is called a “murder” for good reason.

And the word “murder” points to the things I despise.

You see, crows remind me of people I don’t like.

And This is How Crows Are My Teachers

As I say in the podcast…

“It’s not the crows that I don’t like, it’s parts of humanity, which, of course, is really a reflection on parts of myself.”

We project ourselves on everything. This is a function of being human. It’s how we move through the world.

Projection is a safety shortcut of our Mind self and Body self that says, “this is good and safe”. Or, “this is bad and hurtful”.

When I see crows it reminds me that I have mean parts inside me, too. And that makes me angry, and regretful.

This is painful to feel, but the awareness this projection provides me can be good.

Let’s Welcome Our Teachers However They Come

So when I hear a crow and see them three of them dive bombing a redtail hawk in the sky over my house, I can remember…

”ARRGG…I hate those f^ck!ng birds!!!


“AHHH, I see you. And I see what I’m doing here”.

This awareness is a connection that at first feels hot and painful.

But to know that I’m trying to heal a part of myself, then AHHH, yes. That’s a good thing.

All healing begins with recognition. From there we get the chance to stay stuck or move forward.

So come on over, crows. You are welcome at my house, anytime.

Are you ready to move forward and start making real changes in your life?

That’s what I do.

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0:00:17 Overcast morning on the back deck with flying crows

0:00:59 Reflections on Humanity and Dislike for Crows

0:01:21 The Troublesome Nature of Crows and Humanity

0:02:31 Reflections on Fussing and Seeking Like-minded Individuals

0:03:05 Reflecting on Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

0:03:36 Choosing to Let Go of Anger and Negativity

0:04:22 The Love-Hate Relationship with Crows

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  • Connecting with Nature and the Outdoors
  • David Bourne’s Short Form Audio Shipped from the Field
  • Quick Experiments in Thought and Sound

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Overcast morning on the back deck with flying crows

[~0:17~] Back on the back deck.

It is an overcast morning, and a pretty large flock of crows just flew over, in the process of flying over.

Of course, there is a jet, you might hear the wind in the trees.

And I just wanted to talk about these crows because I don’t, like crows in general.

And I think that’s interesting because I really love birds.

Reflections on Humanity and Dislike for Crows

[~0:59~] And you know honestly it’s not nothing against the crows themselves. I’ve I’ve recognized that it’s really a reflection on maybe what I don’t like about humanity, that crows seem to bring up in me.

The Troublesome Nature of Crows and Humanity

[~1:21~] They travel in packs, they fuss a lot, they bother other species like hawks or really, anything that seems to be getting in their way, and that’s a lot like what, people do.

They just don’t seem very peaceful, and all too often people are not peaceful.

But I try to remember it’s not the crows that I don’t like, it’s parts of humanity, which, of course, is really a reflection on parts of myself.

Because I’m human and I’ve got those parts in me, those parts that like to fuss, that like to make a ruckus, that are seeking people who have similar opinions of me, who are also fussing about things that we don’t like, and we get together and say, “yeah, that sucks”, or “we should do something about that”.

Reflections on Fussing and Seeking Like-minded Individuals

[~2:31~] Caw, Caw, Caw.

[~2:33~] Well, the crows, being crows, did not cooperate. They did not get on my recording, but that’s okay, because it’s given me a chance to reflect on humanity and reflect on how all too often when we see something we don’t like.

[~2:52~] It’s that old finger pointing.

When you point your finger, you’ve got three fingers pointing back at you.

Go ahead, point your finger and you’ll see that.

Reflecting on Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

[~3:05~] That reflection that, oh yeah, I don’t like that because there’s a part of me that I don’t like.

And that’s an opportunity to do something about it.

What? Well, you hopefully recognized, that when you’re fussing at something else or something or someone triggers you, ask yourself why that makes you mad and stop blaming it on them and start asking yourself, Okay. Do I want to feel this way?

Choosing to Let Go of Anger and Negativity

[~3:36~] Why do I want to feel this way? How’s it serving me? And is that how I want to, do I really want to be pissed off all the time?

I don’t.

That has never served me to be angry or to be pissed off for very long.

Sure. Short term, I get it. But longterm, you’re just, you’re just wallowing in the, in the stew of it for some reason.

The Love-Hate Relationship with Crows

So anyway, that’s just a little bit on crows and maybe they’ll come back because as much as I don’t like them, I do love a nice crow visit.

[~4:22~] Hope you’re having a good day out there. Cheers.