The Davo Show

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How Crows are Like People – DavoShow033
How Crows are Like People DavoShow033 I dont like crows. And its teaching me about something I dont like about myself. I really dislike crows. Which is a bit weird because I admire them for their
You Do Have Choices – DavoShow032
How Aware Are You of Your Ability to Choose? This episode is about thoughts, sounds, consciousness and how these things influence our ability to choose. Show Notes from DavoShow032 Viktor Frankl wrote
Joy Stacking – DavoShow031
Joy Stacking Makes Your Life Better DavoShow031 I went for a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway the other day and realized I was having a Joy Stacking experience. Show Notes Maximize your experiences by
Lessons from Mating Woodpeckers – DavoShow030
Mating Woodpeckers Remind Me of Lifes Ultimate Focus What Is The Davo Show? Examples from Living Life to the Fullest Connecting with Nature and the Outdoors Music and Rhythms David Bournes Short For
The Purpose of Listening – DavoShow029
Whats the Purpose of Listening? Ask Kevin Kelly. In his most recent book, Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish Id Known Earlier, Kelly has a great quote about how and why we should listen. It
Make Your Life Profoundly Better by Paying More Attention – DavoShow028
My life is so much better because Im paying better attention to small things. Today, I noticed some large white magnolia flowers in my yard. As I went in closer to hear, smell, and touch the tree, I
Reap the Benefits of Listening to Your Life – DavoShow027
Are You Listening to Your Life TheDavoShow027 If we want our lives to get better, we have to stop distracting, and make the effort to change. I came across this quote today and realized its a good
Confronting Limiting Beliefs Helps You Find the Truth – DavoShow026
Im Confronting A Limiting Belief To See What Happens I have a limiting belief about using video for this Davo Show Project. I think video is going to be too hard to use and it will mess up a good thi
Why Outdoor Showers Are More Awesome – DavoShow025
Have You Ever Taken an Outdoor Shower? I love them,. And Im not sure why. But, I have a theory IONS Listen to This Episode 025 What Is the Davo Show? A short-form audio podcast A place to experiment
At the Beach – DavoShow024
The Davo Show from the Beach! What Is the Davo Show? A short-form audio podcast A place to experiment with ideas, sound and quick podcast production. Mostly, I create sounds from nature or music. But