Mind Matters: Navigating Head Injuries and Concussions

Mind Matters: Navigating Head Injuries and Concussions

Breakthrough TBI Treatment: Could This Be the Cure?

October 15, 2024

Today, we're diving into the evolving world of head injuries and concussions. I'm Kiley Como, a nurse with Shane Smith Law, and joining us is Dr. Mbeo. We're excited to explore emerging treatments for traumatic brain injuries, particularly transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This non-invasive therapy is showing promise in helping patients with mild to moderate TBI.



00:00:00 Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury and TMS

00:01:34 Overview of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

00:03:42 TMS as a Painless and Effective Treatment

00:05:32 Enhancing TMS Accuracy and Addressing Contraindications

00:07:52 Patient Experience and Early Relief with TMS

00:09:58 Sleep Disturbances and TMS

00:12:28 Impact of Poor Sleep on Long-term Health

00:16:19 Conclusion and Call to Action

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