It Only Hurts When I Talk: Gen-X Aging Disgracefully

It Only Hurts When I Talk: Gen-X Aging Disgracefully

Latest Episodes

Stuff and more Stuff
July 31, 2023

Following up on the When Its Time to Move Your Parents episode, we talk about stuff: the perceived value of stuff, the actual monetary value of stuff, and the time and cost of removing the stuff. N

July 24, 2023

Gregg is annoyed. Hes just trying to enjoy life in his little bubble and other people insist on encroaching on his space.

My Secret Life with ADHD
July 17, 2023

ADHD can be a curse but also a superpower. James shares his experience with a late-life diagnosis, finally understanding what is happening in his head and how hes learned to use his powers for good.

They’re, there, their.
July 10, 2023

Here come the grammar police!

What is Accountability?
July 03, 2023

Its not my problem, someone else needs to worry about this. But if no one is worried about it, how will anything get done? Accountability vs Responsibility.

Grumpy Money
June 26, 2023

Does the way you pay for things make you feel old?

Happiness Is…
June 19, 2023

Well? What is it? If you could just be 5% happier everything would be perfect. So how is happiness defined?

Willful Ignorance
June 12, 2023

A 4-year old with their fingers in their ears saying na-na-na I cant hear you has an excuse for thinking they can hide from the truth. Its because theyre 4. What about when adults do it?

Mortality, or Make Sure Your Tool Drawers are Labeled
June 05, 2023

The number one unavoidable fact of life is death. For those left behind it prompts anger, fear, regret and so much more. How do we react to the evidence of our own mortality all around us?

The Way of the Coffee
May 29, 2023

What are your morning habits? For many of us its coffee. Is it addiction? Routine? Medicinal? Societal pressure? Perhaps a little bit of everything.