A Really Good Enough Parent

A Really Good Enough Parent

Ep 8 Parenting While Being a Therapist - An Interview with Dr. Ann Yabusaki

June 13, 2023

In this episode of A Really Good Enough Parent, Dr. Ann Yabusaki shares deeply personal insights into her experiences both professional and personal. Following a happy childhood in Hawai'i, she determined to learn about the impact of racism and moved to the U.S. mainland in this pursuit. Dr. Yabusaki is honest about the role of racism both in her own life and in the lives of her children. She has two children, one adopted from South Korea, and one to whom she gave birth. Both are now grown.

Ann Yabusaki, PhD, is a family therapist and psychologist. She is the founded of the Hawaii Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Action Group and is the former Dean and President of the Rosebridge Graduate School of Integrative Psychology. Ann lives in Hawaii with her husband, Ken.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Hawaii - https://fasdhawaii.org/

Letters from A Tiger Mom


More on the American internment (imprisonment) of Japanese Americans during WWII can be found here.

"Virtually all Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and property and live in camps for most of the war. The government cited national security as justification for this policy although it violated many of the most essential constitutional rights of Japanese Americans."


Or this:

Highly recommend watching this short piece on Stanley Hiyami, a soldier/artist/prisoner

