True Lovefraud Stories

True Lovefraud Stories

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Tracy Malone: Divorcing a narcissist
February 03, 2025

Tracy Malone, author of the popular website, coaches people who are trying to divorce disordered spouses. One of the most important things people in this situation need to u

We are leaving right now
January 10, 2025

Janet had five children with Anthony. Although she believed that marriage was for better or worse, the gaslighting, emotional cruelty and financial irresponsibility eventually became unbearable. T

Dr. Liane Leedom explains the effects of abuse in mid-life
December 02, 2024

Dr. Liane Leedom at a Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy conference. Anyone can be targeted by a sociopath at any point in their lives. But Dr. Liane Leedom explains that men and wome

I was targeted, Part 2: Escape and compassion
November 14, 2024

Mark made false accusations against his wife, Renee, that landed her in jail. That was just the opening round as they divorced, and even after their divorce, he continued to harass her. But Renee

I was targeted, Part 1: The Seduction
November 03, 2024

At a high school reunion, Renee, a widow, encountered Mark, whom shed once had a crush on. Mark convinced her that God had reunited them, so even though her gut was warning her to be cautious, Re

Dr. Dan Jones: Understanding the Dark Triad
October 01, 2024

Dr. Dan Jones, associate professor at the University of Nevada Reno, is an expert in the Dark Triad and Dark Tetrad personality traits. These are Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy and sadism.

Carlo Giovanni Malozzi: ‘Let’s get married!’
September 03, 2024

Carlo Giovanni Malozzi has a history of exploiting women Lovefraud has already done three episodes about him. When did this behavior pattern start? One woman was actually married to him more than 12

Carlo Giovanni Malozzi: ‘Let’s move to Texas!’
August 01, 2024

In our last episode about Carlo Giovanni Malozzi, My car broke down, hed conned a woman in Florida and then left the state. Next, he moved to Arizona, where he joined a church. Judith, a member of

Joan Kloth-Zanard: Difficulties in reporting child abuse
February 09, 2024

Joan Kloth-Zanard, an expert in the psychological abuse of children and founder of, explains why parents need to be cautious about reporting child abuse. If there is no verifiable

Christopher Lum, Part 2: Ordered, yet refuses, to give up his guns
February 02, 2024

Christopher Lum of California was slapped with two domestic violence restraining orders and ordered to give up his guns. For years, he refused, and no officials did anything about it. But his ex-wife,