Starlight Pet Talk

Starlight Pet Talk

Latest Episodes

Debunking Excuses People Make for Giving Up Their Pets
May 02, 2023

Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, about 3.1 million are dogs, and 3.2 million are cats. Yes, that's no typo, MILLION!Although some of these pets are truly strays-those born on the

How to Choose the RIGHT Shelter Dog for You
April 25, 2023

A commitment to adopting a pet should be a lifetime one. However, too many people decide to adopt a pet for the wrong reasons, make spontaneous and not well-thought-out decisions, and adopt pets that aren't a good fit for their home, family, or lifes

Adopting and Loving a Senior Dog
April 18, 2023

Playful puppies and cuddly kittens are usually the first ones to be adopted in shelters, but what about senior pets? The sad truth is in most facilities, senior pets are the last to be adopted, if they're adopted at all. The ASPCA reports that senior

Are You Feeding Your Pet the RIGHT Food?
April 11, 2023

Walk into any pet store and you'll be faced with aisles of options for feeding your pet. In fact, according to IBISWorld, there are currently 899 pet food production businesses in the US alone right now! It's no wonder pet parents struggle to fi

Fostering Saves Lives: Why You Should Consider Being a Pet Foster
April 04, 2023

Although some rescues are lucky enough to have "brick and mortar" facilities, many rescues in the US rely on foster homes to house pets and foster parents to care for pets until they're adopted. Without fosters, rescues must stop intake, wh

The Truth About Service Dogs and How Fakes Hurt Everyone: Special Extended Episode
March 28, 2023

When you hear the words "service dog," most people think of a guide dog for the visually impaired or a dog that performs tasks for someone who is paralyzed. However, service dogs can also serve those with invisible needs, which causes a lot of c

Myths and Truths about Mutts vs. Purebred Dogs
March 21, 2023

The "Adopt Don't Shop" movement has divided dog lovers over the past few years into two camps; those who believe people should only get dogs from rescues or shelters and those who believe getting dogs from breeders is the best option. In th

Can Old Dogs Learn New Tricks? Reinventing Yourself and Your Pet
March 14, 2023

Whether its due to necessity, the desire to change, or simply wanting to try something new, its never too late for us, or our pets, to reinvent ourselves. From mechanical designer at a nuclear physics laboratory to author and freestyle dog dancer, Joyce

Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litterbox and Other Cat Behavior Explained- with KJ McGlinn
March 07, 2023

One of the biggest reasons owners give up their pets in the US is "bad" behaviors such as litterbox issues and scratching furniture. However, these behaviors aren't bad; they're our cats' way of communicating with us. In this epis

Veterinary Social Workers: A Caring Bridge Between Pet Parents and Veterinarians
February 28, 2023

Whether it's an annual visit to your regular veterinarian or a crisis situation where you've rushed your pet to an emergency hospital, communicating effectively with your veterinary staff is critical to the care of your pet AND your relationship